Project Abstract

Nefeli Oikonomou: Pracrising Transitions (Practicing for Crisis Art Initiatives)

‘Pracrising Transitions’ raises questions about ways of dealing with crises and it amplifies itself through “pracrising”-­‐ Collaborative, discursive practicing for crisis. The research expanded through 4 locations: Sweden, Greece, Uruguay and Argentina and it will be exhibited as a mini-­‐Festival inviting different artists, disciplines and audiences.

Nefeli Oikonomou is working as a performer and has also been creating her own choreographic work since 2006. After her education in Greece and Sweden (BA in Dance, Design Diploma and MA in Choreography, Doch) she is searching for challenging ways to integrate knowledge from different fields and facilitate exploration for democratic choreographic processes. Her experience on both presenting in various theaters and teaching in different professional schools feed her need to exchange, research and display. She creates by questioning, re-orienting or dis-orienting norms and her work is characterized with endless curiosity for critical thinking and innovative approaches to movement.

Project description PDF: Nefeli project 1

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