Category Archives: Maria


Maria Karin Walczuk – “Concrete Times, The Bridge Life at RCS” – A Documentary Film

Documentary filmmaker Maria Karin Walczuk has gained access to an “illegal” skatepark group in the Stockholm city, where middle-aged skaters constitute the core group. They artistically expand upon this personalized locale every Saturday, allowing other skaters to join their growing purpose – to become an “art project,” and eventually be legalized. For the past two years they have taken care of this run-down area under a bridge, creatively challenging themselves and their pockets so that they can have a place to call their own.

Maria Karin Walczuk is a young filmmaker who in these past years has focused mainly on documentary work as her cardinal passion and personal form of activism. Originally from the states, specifically Hawai’i – Walczuk has lived all over Europe, but now considers Sweden her real creative base. Pursuing studies that challenge her artistic practice, Walczuk continues to grow, absorbing new sources of inspiration with insightful stories to share.

Check out this short clip! – RCS Sneak Peak