Category Archives: Meetings/workshops

Final presentation/examination

14 – 15 January 2016

This last meeting is the final presentation and examination for your Organising Discourse projects.

For this you shall prepare for an oral as well as written presentation of your project, including background, process and outcome, conclusion and possible future developments. You may use any media you like (images, film, sound, objects etc.). Prepare for 20 minutes presentation and 20 minutes for Q&A and comments.

I will ask you all to prepare and send your written presentation to me before 12 January.

Also please inform me if you aren’t available all time and if you need to schedule your presentation before.

Guest critic will be artist and designer Bettina Schwalm.

The assessment will be based on your proposal and formally also on the ‘Intended learning outcomes’. Informally it is about the actual learning outcomes and therefore the process of the projects is as important as the actual result and failures perhaps as important as success.

For those of you who have not already developed your platform fully or as a completed project (witch may not be your intention) you may present it’s present condition and future development (all in relation to your project proposal).

If someone has not been able to finalize their projects in relation to this or simply has failed to reach the intended goal, another future assessment is possible and can be scheduled.

For formal matters on this please see the Course Description: