Game Time: a play on the work of Oscar Hansen

Workshop by R-Lab, KKH
10 to the 12 of November

Game Time: a play on the work of Oscar Hansen, is part of a three day play event held from the 10 to the 12 of November produced by the participants of this year’s R-Lab, at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm.  Game Time partners are Index the Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation and the Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw. The event is sponsored by the Polska institutet, Stockholm. The public is invited to join the Opening Talk “Exhibition Play” by Aleksandra Kędziorek, from the Museum of Modern Art Warsaw. Kędziorek, a member of the Polish curatorial team that developed the Oskar Hansen exhibition program,  will speak at Hus 28 at the RIA about the relationship of game play in contemporary exhibitions. The Talk Wednesday 11 November beginning at 18:00, begins the premier event, Game Time: Play Time. R-Lab participants have created a unique play situation within Index’s exhibition space currently featuring the work of Simone Forti. All are welcome. The event will be followed by a screening of the film “Reappropriation of the City” 1977, by Ugo La Pietra, the Milanese Radical architect, designer and publisher at the Index Front Space. On 12 November beginning at 18:00, the final edition of Game Time will feature Play Ground, the second play situation developed by the participants of R-Lab specifically for Index. Special prizes will be awarded to all the winners, and everyone is again welcome to join!

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